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Guide: Dress Shirt Collar Guide

What collar should I choose for my new shirt?

· dress shirt,shirt collar,dress shirt collar

1 Point or straight collar

With a point collar, you can eat your cake and have it too. With this collar design, you can get away with not sporting a tie and still manage to look super dapper. Its great versatility and flexibility make it favorite wear for formal or black tie events. This design allows you to transition from formal to casual at the snap of a finger. It is also ideal for work, business meetings, weddings, and casual outings and can be paired with a jacket, tux or suit.

2 Spread Collar

If you own a box full of shirts, chances are spread collar shirts would take up the most space. They are best suited for formal events and are best worn with large tie knots. Their simplicity and versatility make them staple wears for tuxes and suits alike. You could opt for the widespread or narrow spread collars depending on your need or the semi-spread designs if you want a touch of both.

3 Cut-away spread collar

This features a wider collar point when compared to the regular spread collar design. It is an ideal show off for neck and bow ties as it offers maximal exposure of the neck piece. It's best suited for work, formal events, and business meetings. One thing though: you can't afford to go without a tie.

4 English spread collar

This is situated somewhere in between the regular and the cut-away spread collar designs. The space between the two points is fairly wider than the regular spread but not nearly as wide as the cut-away spread. And just like its spread derivative is most suited for formal events and business meetings.

5 Wing Tip Collar

Who says wearing a shirt has to be boring? Spice up your look with a trendy wing collar shirt. Just like the name implies, this collar design resembles a wing, and it is a great choice for a modern and trendy look. Very formal and classy. Shirts sporting this type of collar can be worn to black tie events or strictly formal occasions. Just one thing: they do not go with neckties, ever. The use of a complimentary bow tie goes on to further amplify the collar design and brings out its elegance.

6 Button down collar

Quite similar in appearance to the straight collar but slightly differs with the presence of a pair of buttons at the bottom of either collar point. And just like its straight collar counterpart can be conveniently switched from casual to formal to suit any occasion. Making it very flexible and stylish and an all-time collar option.

What's more? You can rest assured that your collars (and tie) are safely secured in place as you go about your activities.

7 Tab collar

This collar style right here isn't anything like the others as it features a snap that holds the points of the collar closer together and ensures the tie stays perfectly in place. This gives a classy and flattering formal look. And unlike some other collar designs, the tab collar should not be worn without a tie. It is definitely not very flexible, but the snap sure makes the collar points stylishly flattering. Get the best mileage from your tab collar shirts by pairing them with tailored suits or jackets for formal events, and you're good to go.

8 Eyelet collar

Ever gawked at an impeccable tie knot before? Sure, it appears sleek and neat just like every other which shouldn't be any special, but for what's worth, you can't seem to figure exactly why you're drawn to it. Eyelet collar seems to give that effect. It features a straight pin horizontally held across the two collar points which ensures the tie sits snugly around the neck. Quite obviously, it is most suited for formal events.

9 Club collar

If you are looking to have a flattering collar style that oozes class and can be worn with or without a neck piece-club collar is your best bet. It features rounded points-more like flower petals and a fairly large space in between the collar lapels. You can sport this with or without a tie but be sure to go for the skinny knots. You will see it on Peaky Blinders shirts. This is the favourite dress shirt of Tommy Shelby

10 Band collar

Also called mao collar or grandad collar. Taking a fun break from collar points and regular collar designs, band collar is strictly designed to be worn without a tie. With a world of prominent and stylish collar styles, the band collar shirt is a wonderful breath of fresh air. Clearly pointless- literally, it is the perfect choice for a casual or not so traditional look.

There are some other collar designs, though that is quite trendy but would require a great deal of confidence and professional recommendation before they should make their way under your tailored tuxedos.

Now, with the deluge of modern collar designs, shirt collars have transitioned from traditional and regular to modern and trendy. This allows more room to play around collar designs, which encourages maximal creativity and style diversity.

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